Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sleepy Hollow

Our jaunt to Sleepy Hollow and the surrounding little towns was exactly what we needed it to be. The further we got from the city, the more colorful the trees were. We did not see any headless horsemen, but we did see a whole bunch of unlucky deer on the side of the road. Oh, deer. They just don't navigate traffic well, do they?

While driving past a glorious, old stone church in Sleepy Hollow, we happened upon a bunch of old furniture at the curb. Turns out the church was throwing out all the stuff that didn't sell at their rummage sale, and so we left with a couple of old wooden shelves (that need a bit of TLC and some paint) and great old Shaker style chair that I plan on hanging on my kitchen wall. (It is at this point that I realize the shelves would serve me better hanging on the kitchen wall, but I like idea of a chair on the wall. Less functional, but terribly artsy.)

So, in other news, tomorrow begins another day of trying to get by in New York City. It's sort of sad that after only 2 months I already understand why people move away from here. It's not an easy place to live. Which is not to say that I am ready to leave. But it is very easy to get lost amongst the 8,000,000 other people here. However, I am combating the my misgivings about this city with entertaining challenges that keep me on my toes and keep my mood lifted. Like next weeks challenge: Halloween. See, everyone I know is working all day on Halloween, and I don't really want to go to any parties that night. But I do want to dress up. So I am thinking up a costume, and I have decided that I am going to spend Halloween day, in costume, exploring the Metropolitan Museum. And I can do that, cause I live in New York City.

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