Monday, September 10, 2007

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Has anyone read this gorgeous book lately? I finished it for the first time and it left me with same euphoric sense that "To Kill A Mockingbird" did. I already miss the characters, especially the main character Francie. It's exceptional, and the story happens to take place in Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Here's a tidbit:

When they got to the Brooklyn side [of the bridge], she said that he was not to take her the rest of the way home. He'd get lost if he tried to find his way back to New York from her neighborhood. Brooklyn was tricky that way. You had to live there in order to find your way about, she said.

In truth, she didn't want him to see where she lived. She loved her neighborhood and wasn't ashamed of it. But she felt that to a stranger who didn't know about it the way she did, it might seem a mean and shabby place.

For what it's worth, I totally agree with Francie Nolan.


Anonymous said...

Rose and I both read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn last year. Rose had always wanted to read it and then she passed it on to me. We both loved it. I don't know how I missed it when I was younger. Francie is definately a memorable character.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to have rediscovered your blog, and I'm happy that you posted this.

I've still not been to NY (some day..) but I have read this book many times and I love it a little more with each read-through.